Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Discuss the roles of cognition and emotion in moral judgment, with Essay

Discuss the roles of cognition and emotion in moral judgment, with particular reference to the research of Greene et al (2001). Approximately 1000 words - Essay Example ; in the trolley dilemma, whereby a runaway trolley will kill five people and a person is given the choice to press one switch whereby instead of five, only one person will be killed, people generally deem it appropriate to press the switch. In the footbridge dilemma, however, whereby there is a person on the bridge who needs to be pushed down in front of the trolley to save five people, though he will himself be killed, people deem it inappropriate to push that person from the bridge in front of the trolley. The question arises that though the effect of both dilemmas is the same, i.e. one person needs to die to save five from dying, however, people are more reluctant to push someone on to the tracks, though not to press a switch. The question that arises in the minds of moral philosophers is: â€Å"what makes it morally acceptable to sacrifice one life to save five in the trolley dilemma but not in the footbridge dilemma?† (Green et al, 2001). Green et al purpose that perhaps, if one is to take the approach of Immanuel Kant, it can be said that the reluctance arises out of the fact that in the first example, the person is just unfortunately in the way of the trolley, whereas in the second one would have to literally use him to achieve the required end. However, when the same example is changed slightly and the track is looped so that if the body of that one person does not stop it, it will kill the five people, people still think it appropriate to let that one person’s body be used to stop the trolley. Green et al suggest that there is no one correct solution to this problem, there is still confusion as to why in one case it is appropriate for a man’s body to be used to save five people, while inappropriate in another case. The problem also lies in the fact that there are no moral reasons on which these two situations can be distinguished and there are no set moral principles to guide people in coming up with a solution to this problem. Green et al maintain

Monday, October 28, 2019

Followed - creative writing Essay Example for Free

Followed creative writing Essay The streets of London enclosed this humble infant. Unaware of where he is; where his mummy is, he continued to patrol the distant streets. The exhaustion of the young boy is unbearable to think of. Although unfamiliar with his surroundings he continued to walk, crying with anticipation: where is he? Freddy had been visiting London for the first time with his adorable mum. They got on so well. His mum was a rather rounded figure with big blue eyes and elongated eyelashes to balance her silhouette. She was a comical woman always entertaining her companions. Never a dull moment when she was around. Freddy loved her with all his heart and hoped he was just dreaming. Freddy and his mum were visiting sights in London, but he wasnt happy with this. He despised it, the thought of walking around all day long; looking at tedious buildings that all appeared identical made him aggravated; what was the point? Live life while you can! is what his mum used to say to him. Whats the point spending a beautiful Sunday morning indoors while you can be outdoors, celebrating the beauty of our capital city! Nothing could ever bring her down even Freddys bad behaviour. He thought it would just be about influential buildings, powerful statues and overcrowded town centres! But more was to come When they first arrived, Freddy was being rather disrespectful; mocking fellow tourists, giving his mum the cold shoulder and even locking himself in the cafi bathroom! But his mum understood, she always did. Freddy walked and walked, not enjoying the scenery; with hope he would soon find somewhere appealing. As he continued to trek, he noticed the reflection of a daunting old man on the trunk of a passing car. The reflection seemed lifeless yet full of hatred and anger. His long black slimy hair wrapped across his large forehead with blue eyes just visible beneath it. He was wearing a long black leather jacket almost touching the floor with a large shiny object poking out from the inside pocket. He could see his full length jacket flapping from side to side as it harmonized with the rhythm his walk. He appeared to be a tall man with big broad shoulders yet with a petite frame. His image seemed worthy of that of a monster. Freddy stopped. Looked for his mum, she was nowhere to be seen. He peered over his right shoulder, to what seemed like his worst nightmare. Hastily attempting to rush through a crowd of passing pedestrians trying to get away as quickly as possible. But suddenly he tripped to found himself landing on the rotting pavement. His pulse now increasing as if his heart was being snatched out of his chest then receiving a brutal punch to the whole in which was left. Blood was rushing from his head to his toes and back and forth, back and forth. Quickly rising to his feet he continues to run, running faster and faster, trying to find somewhere to hide. Scared that if he stops, the old man would catch him, torture him, hurt him, the thought was unbearable. The poor little boy was petrified, trembling with fear, looking for somewhere to escape to. He glimpsed behind his shoulder and to his surprise the man had gone. What just happened? Freddy distraughtly thought to himself. Was it a hallucination caused by his mums disappearance, or was it real, was that man really there? Freddy now tried to stay in places where people were around, but his racing mind couldnt shoot nasty thoughts out his head. He wanted his mum to be there so desperately, she; his best friend, he needed her now. I need to find her! he thought to himself. But where was he to start? He was in a city he did not know his way round of and eventually remembered his mum saying that if something happened and she wasnt around then to meet her just off Oxford street at a cafi called Donmarche. Quick! I have to get there now! Rapidly gazing behind the peculiar cardboard box he was hidden behind, he checked both ways to make sure that the man wasnt around, once left, once right, and again just to be sure. Once he had the reassurance he wasnt around, his legs where already in motion trying to get back to his original destination. After a few moments of none stop running, he heard a familiar sound from behind. Turning round slowly to see if he could see it, he noticed a shadow upon the wall. A shadow with large broad shoulders but yet with a petite frame, a shadow of extreme familiarity but not that of good familiarity but that of a horrific familiarity already experienced by Freddy. Freddys immediate reaction was to run, but that of the gaze coming from the man is too strong to pull away from. The contact between the two if disrupt able and yet strangely comforting, but only for the fact that his eyes are big and blue with beautiful elongated eyelashes, just like those, that stare at him daily with love and care. After a moment of bewilder ness he hears a screaming voice coming from the bottom of the road, he peers over the mans right shoulder to see a rather rounded figure running up the road. Elation fills Freddys heart. His shoulders start to relax and the view of his adorable mum makes him feel at once comforted. He and his mum spend hours, it seems, in an embrace, but eventually realising that the man is standing behind him he turns and quickly tells his mum about what has happened. She just stands there and laughs! Freddy darling, I brought you to London to meet your uncle! Say hello to uncle Fred! Freddy doesnt reply. He looks up at his mum in complete awe but eventually pulls them both into an embrace with a sigh of relief.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Nature of the Mind :: essays research papers

A leading exponent of the substantial view was George Berkeley, an 18th century Anglican bishop and philosopher. Berkeley argued that there is no such thing as matter and what humans see as the material world is nothing but an idea in God's mind, and that therefore the human mind is purely a manifestation of the soul. Few philosophers take an extreme view today, but the view that the human mind is of a nature or essence somehow different from, and higher than, the mere operations of the brain, continues to be widely held. Berkeley's views were attacked, and in the eyes of many demolished, by T.H. Huxley, a 19th century biologist and disciple of Charles Darwin, who agreed that the phenomena of the mind were of a unique order, but argued that they can only be explained in reference to events in the brain. Huxley drew on a tradition of materialist thought in British philosophy dating to Thomas Hobbes, who argued in the 17th century that mental events were ultimately physical in nature, although with the biological knowledge of his day he could not say what their physical basis was. Huxley blended Hobbes with Darwin to produce the modern materialist or functional view. Huxley's view was reinforced by the steady expansion of knowledge about the functions of the human brain. In the 19th century it was not possible to say with certainty how the brain carried out such functions as memory, emotion, perception and reason. This left the field open for substantialists to argue for an autonomous mind, or for a metaphysical theory of the mind. But each advance in the study of the brain during the 20th century made this harder, since it became more and more apparent that all the components of the mind have their origins in the functioning of the brain. Huxley's rationalism, however, was disturbed in the early 20th century by the ideas of Sigmund Freud, who developed a theory of the unconscious mind, and argued that those mental processes of which humans are subjectively aware are only a small part of their total mental activity. Freudianism was in a sense a revival of the substantial view of the mind in a secular guise.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Organizational Development

CASE STUDY MODULE 17 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PQHRM/53-025 H E B MARASINGHE Contents Acknowledgement3 Introduction to the case study4 Literature Review5 What is OD intervention ? 5 Factors That Impact the Success of OD Interventions can be listed under two main headings,5 Intervention Categories7 The process of Organizational Development9 Change management11 Report to be given to CEO of Nuran food products12 Implementing an effective and successful OD process12 Impact of Closing down of plant in Kandy15 Recommendations16Acknowledgement I would like to thank all the lecturers at the Institute of Personnel Management, specially to all the tutors who guided and helped me to complete the 17th module case study successfully. And all my friends who helped me in numerous ways to complete the case study and to understand the subject matter. Introduction to the case study Nuran food products (NFP) is supplier of processed bottle food products to leading super market chain. Presently two fac tories are operating one in Kandy and the other plant in Colombo.Both of the plants uses traditional simple techniques in the production process, and these plants are operated by extremely loyal employees to the organization but not very educated and with very limited English knowledge. Presently the company is enjoying a good market share and the management has considered renovating the factories with state of the art equipment with the view of enhancing the production capacity. If new machinery is bought in the Colombo plant itself alone can meet the current market demand, and the Kandy plant could be closed down to minimize the overhead cost and to maximize the revenues.The new processing machinery equipment requires sophisticated skills from production operators including reading technical manuals, operating computerized equipment and performing a wide variety of other tasks. The vendor suggests that the new equipment is most effective when the employees are organized in to self managed teams. Presently the workforce is 65, and with the new modernized plant it will only require 55 employees. A manager who is supporting the modernization process has said that only 10 jobs are affected, and the HR implications are minimal.Under the case study a detail study will be carried out on all implications of the plant modernization in Colombo and Closure of plant in Kandy. Literature Review Considering the above scenario the organization is planning to do a development to the current organization. What is organization development? Organizational development is concerned with the planning and implementation of programmes designed to enhance the effectiveness with which an organization functions and responds to change. Overall, the aim is to adopt a planned and coherent approach to improving organizational effectiveness.An effective organization can be defined broadly as one that achieves its purpose by meeting the wants and needs of its stakeholders, matching its reso urces to opportunities, adapting flexibly to environmental changes and creating a culture that promotes commitment, creativity, shared values and mutual trust. An organization is the planned coordination of the activities of a number of people for the achievement of some common explicit purpose or goal, through division of labor and function, and through a hierarchy of authority and responsibility – (Edgar Shein) An organization development is done through planned organization interventions.What is OD intervention ? The term Intervention refers to a set of sequenced, planned actions or events intended to help an organization to increase its effectiveness. Interventions purposely disrupt the status quo; they are deliberate attempts to change an organization or sub-unit toward a different and more effective state Criteria for Effective Interventions In OD three major criteria define the effectiveness of an intervention: 1. The Extent to Which it (the Intervention) fits the need s of the organization. 2. The degree to which it is based on causal knowledge of intended outcomes 3.The extent to which the OD intervention transfers change-management competence to organization members. Factors That Impact the Success of OD Interventions can be listed under two main headings, 1. Factors relating to Change Situation: These relate to the environment of the organization and include the physical and human environment. 2. Factors Related to the Target of Change: These relate to the specific targets at which OD interventions are targeted. The targets of change can be different issues of the organization and at different levels Factors relating to Change Situation I.Readiness for Change: Intervention success depends heavily on the organization being ready for planned change. II. Capability to Change: Managing planned change requires particular knowledge and skills including the ability to motivate change, to lead change, to develop political support, to manage transition , and to sustain momentum. III. Cultural Context: The national culture within which an organization is embedded can exert a powerful influence on members’ reactions to change, and so intervention design must account for the cultural values and assumptions held by organization members.IV. Capabilities of the Change Agent (OD Consultant): The success of OD interventions depend to a great extent on the expertise, experience and talents of the consultant. Factors Related to the Target of Change: A. Organizational Issues I. Strategic Issues: Strategic issues refer to major decisions of organizations such as what products or services to offer, which markets to serve, mergers, acquisitions, expansions, etc. II. Technology and Structure Issues: These refer to issues relating to how organizations divide their work amongst departments and how they coordinate between departments.III. Human Resource Issues: These issues are concerned with attracting competent people to the organization, setting goals for them, appraising and rewarding their performance, and ensuring that they develop their careers and manage stress. IV. Human Process Issues: These issues have to do with social processes occurring among organization members, such as communication, decision-making, leadership, and group dynamics. B. Organizational LevelsOD interventions are aimed at different levels of the organization: individual, group, organization and trans-organization (for example different offices of the organization around the globe; or between organization and its suppliers, customers, etc. ) Intervention Categories Human Process Interventions A. The following interventions deal with interpersonal relationships and group dynamics. I. T Groups: The basic T Group brings ten to fifteen strangers together with a professional trainer to examine the social dynamics that emerge from their interactions. II.Process Consultation: This intervention focuses on interpersonal relations and social dynamics occurring in work groups. III. Third Party Interventions: This change method is a form of process consultation aimed at dysfunctional interpersonal relations in organizations. IV. Team Building: This intervention helps work groups become more effective in accomplishing tasks. B. The following Interventions deal with human processes that are more system wide than individualistic or small-group oriented. I. Organization Confrontation Meeting: This change method mobilizes rganization members to identify problems, set action targets, and begin working on problems. II. Intergroup Relations: These interventions are designed to improve interactions among different groups or departments in organizations. III. Large-group Interventions: These interventions involve getting abroad variety of stakeholders into a large meeting to clarify important values, to develop new ways of working, to articulate a new vision for the organization, or to solve pressing organizational problems. IV. Grid Organ ization Development: This normative intervention specifies a particular way to manage an organization.Techno-Structural Interventions These interventions deal with an organization’s technology (for examples its task methods and job design) and structure (for example, division of labor and hierarchy). These interventions are rooted in the disciplines of engineering, sociology, and psychology and in the applied fields of socio-technical systems and organization design. Consultants place emphasis both on productivity and human fulfillment. I. Structural Design: This change process concerns the organization’s division of labor – how to specialize task performances.Diagnostic guidelines exist to determine which structure is appropriate for particular organizational environments, technologies, and conditions. II. Downsizing: This intervention reduces costs and bureaucracy by decreasing the size of the organization through personnel layoffs, organization redesign, and outsourcing. III. Re-engineering: This recent intervention radically redesigns the organization’s core work processes to create tighter linkage and coordination among the different tasks Human Resource Management Interventions I. Goal Setting: This change program involves setting clear and challenging goals.It attempts to improve organization effectiveness by establishing a better fit between personal and organizational objectives. II. Performance Appraisal: This intervention is a systematic process of jointly assessing work-related achievements, strengths and weaknesses, III. Reward Systems: This intervention involves the design of organizational rewards to improve employee satisfaction and performance. IV. Career Planning and development: It generally focuses on managers and professional staff and is seen as a way of improving the quality of their work life.V. Managing workforce diversity: Important trends, such as the increasing number of women, ethnic minorities, and phys ically and mentally challenged people in the workforce, require a more flexible set of policies and practices. VI. Employee Wellness: These interventions include employee assistance programs (EAPs) and stress management. Strategic Interventions These interventions link the internal functioning of the organization to the larger environment and transform the organization to keep pace with changing conditions. I.Integrated Strategic Change: It argues that business strategies and organizational systems must be changed together in response to external and internal disruptions. A strategic change plan helps members manage the transition between a current strategy and organization design and the desired future strategic orientation. II. Trans organization development: This intervention helps organizations to enter into alliances, partnerships and joint ventures to perform tasks or solve problems that are too complex for single organizations to resolve III.Merger and Acquisition Integration : This intervention describes how OD practitioners can assist two or more organizations to form a new entity. IV. Culture Change: This intervention helps organizations to develop cultures (behaviors, values, beliefs and norms) appropriate to their strategies and environments. V. Self-designing organizations: This change program helps organizations gain the capacity to alter themselves fundamentally. It is a highly participative process, involving multiple stakeholders in setting strategic directions and designing and implementing appropriate structures and processes.VI. Organization learning and knowledge management. The process of Organizational Development Source : http://roblamothe. hubpages. com The Organizational Development (OD) process is complicated and it takes long time to complete the process. It takes minimum of one year and sometimes continues indefinitely. There are different approaches to OD process but the typical process consists of seven steps, viz. , initial diagn osis, data collection, data feedback and confrontation, action planning and problem solving, team building, inter group development and evaluation and follow up. . Initial Diagnosis: If executives recognize that there are inadequacies within organization which can be corrected by OD activities, it is necessary to find out the professional and competent people within the organization to plan and execute OD activities. If competent people are not available within the organization the services activities are to be taken. The consultants adopt various methods including interviews, questionnaires, direct observation, analysis of documents and reports for diagnosing the problem. 2. Data Collection:Survey method is used to collect the data and information for determining organizational climate and identifying the behavioral problems. 3. Data Feedback and Confrontation: Data collected are analyzed and reviewed by various work groups formed from this purpose in order to mediate in the areas of disagreement or confrontation of ideas or opinions and to establish priorities. 4. Selection and Design of Interventions: The interventions are the planned activities that are introduced into the system to accomplish desired changes and improvements.At this stage the suitable interventions are to be selected and designed. 5. Implementation of Intervention: The selected intervention should be implemented. Intervention may take the form of workshops, feedback of data to the participants, group discussions, written exercises, on-the-job activities, redesign of control system etc. Interventions are to be implemented steadily as the process is not short, quick for organizational malady. But it achieves real and lasting change in the attitudes and behavior of employees. 6.Action Planning and problem Solving: Groups prepare recommendations and specific action planning to solve the specific and identified problems by using data collected. 7. Team Building: The consultants encourage the e mployees throughout the process to form into groups and teams by explaining the advantages of the teams in the OD process, by arranging joint meetings with the managers, subordinates etc. 8. Inter group Development: The consultants encourage the inter group meetings, interaction etc. , after the formation of groups/teams.After identifying organizational development interventions the organization development process needs to be carried out. once the development is done the change process should take place, that is migrating from the old system to the new system. No matter how successful or suitable the OD process is if it fails to manage the transition period. Change management Above change management activities should be given priority. while appointing a change agent to drive the change management through. Report to be given to CEO of Nuran food products To: CEO of Nuran Food ProductsFrom: Harindra Marasinghe of XYZ company Subject: Implications of the proposed plant modernization in Colombo and closure of the Plant In Kandy Company is looking at an organization development process, that is it has shown the interest in improving its existing process in order to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency while gearing itself to meet external environment competition. This report will consist of following three sections, 1. Implementing an effective successful OD process 2. Impacts on closing down of Kandy Plant 3. RecommendationsImplementing an effective and successful OD process This OD process should make sure that it full fills the following, * It should be planned, * Implemented organization wide * Increase health and effectiveness of the organization * Planned interventions * Using behavioral science knowledge to understand people, business systems and their interactions How successful this process will be depending on the following, 1. How well this process suits the organization 2. what is the knowledge we have about the relevance of inputs and out puts o f this process 3.How well we can sustain this change management process Considering the above it is evident that the first two conditions are met beyond doubt, but the question is will it be sustainable? will the employees be able to adopt to the change? it is said by the vendor that the employees should be able to read the manuals which are in English and to operate the computerized equipment to get the most out from the new machinery, with the educational level the current employees have will they be able to cope up with this? Following could be suggested to overcome the present situation,Make the employees ready for change Let the employees understand why this change process is taking place and why it is important, what should be there contribution towards this process to be successful, listen to their suggestions and proposals. Make them a part of this change process. Give necessary skills to face the change situation The new processing machinery equipment requires sophisticated skills from production operators including reading technical manuals, operating computerized equipment and performing a wide variety of other tasks.The vendor suggests that the new equipment is most effective when the employees are organized in to self managed teams. Most of the employees have very limited English knowledge and reading the manuals will be a huge barrier, to overcome this it will be much easier to translate those manual to whatever language that they are familiar with rather than trying to teach them English which will be much time consuming and costly. Cultural Context The process have to suit the current traditional culture where supervisors make decisions and gives orders. his culture is successful in the company and should be maintained. Appointing a suitable change agent A change agent is an event, organization, material thing or, more usually, a person that acts as a catalyst for change. He/she should have a thorough have a understanding of the organization an d the process. Apart from the above following characteristics are vital, 1. Sensitivity to changes in key personnel, top management perceptions and market conditions, and to the way in which these impact the goals of the project. 2. Setting of clearly defined, realistic goals. . Flexibility in responding to changes without the control of the project manager, perhaps requiring major shifts in project goals and management style. 4. Team-building abilities, to bring together key stakeholders and establish effective working groups, and to define and delegate respective responsibilities clearly. 5. Networking skills in establishing and maintaining appropriate contacts within and outside the organization. 6. Tolerance of ambiguity, to be able to function comfortably, patiently and effectively in an uncertain environment. 7.Communication skills to transmit effectively to colleagues and subordinates the need for changes in the project goals and in individual tasks and responsibilities. 8. I nterpersonal skills, across the range, including selection, listening, collecting appropriate information, identifying the concerns of others, and managing meetings. 9. Personal enthusiasm in expressing plans and ideas. 10. Stimulating motivation and commitment in others involved. 11. Selling plans and ideas to others by creating a desirable and challenging vision of the future. 2. Negotiating with key players for resources, for changes in procedures, and to resolve conflict. 13. Political awareness in identifying potential coalitions, and in balancing conflicting goals and perceptions. 14. Influencing skills, to gain commitment to project plans and ideas from potential skeptics and resisters. 15. Helicopter perspectives, to stand back from the immediate project and take a broader view of priorities Above described is contingencies related to change situation. or this process to be implement smoothly following organization development interventions could be recommended, Human Proces s Interventions The following interventions deal with interpersonal relationships and group dynamics. 1. T Groups: The basic T Group brings ten to fifteen strangers together with a professional trainer to examine the social dynamics that emerge from their interactions. 2. Process Consultation: This intervention focuses on interpersonal relations and social dynamics occurring in work groups. 3.Third Party Interventions: This change method is a form of process consultation aimed at dysfunctional interpersonal relations in organizations. 4. Team Building: This intervention helps work groups become more effective in accomplishing tasks. The following Interventions deal with human processes that are more system wide than individualistic or small-group oriented. 1. Organization Confrontation Meeting: This change method mobilizes organization members to identify problems, set action targets, and begin working on problems. 2.Intergroup Relations: These interventions are designed to improve interactions among different groups or departments in organizations. 3. Large-group Interventions: These interventions involve getting abroad variety of stakeholders into a large meeting to clarify important values, to develop new ways of working, to articulate a new vision for the organization, or to solve pressing organizational problems. 4. Grid Organization Development: This normative intervention specifies a particular way to manage an organization. Human Resource Management Interventions 1.Goal Setting: This change program involves setting clear and challenging goals. It attempts to improve organization effectiveness by establishing a better fit between personal and organizational objectives. 2. Performance Appraisal: This intervention is a systematic process of jointly assessing work-related achievements, strengths and weaknesses, 3. Reward Systems: This intervention involves the design of organizational rewards to improve employee satisfaction and performance. 4. Career Plan ning and development: It generally focuses on managers and professional taff and is seen as a way of improving the quality of their work life. 5. Managing workforce diversity: Important trends, such as the increasing number of women, ethnic minorities, and physically and mentally challenged people in the workforce, require a more flexible set of policies and practices. 6. Employee Wellness: These interventions include employee assistance programs (EAPs) and stress management. above attention towards human resource will prepare the employees both mentally and physically to the change process. Above mentioned is the Human resource element of the OD process. ince the organization is changing techno structural intervention is important to the organization I. Structural Design: This change process concerns the organization’s division of labor – how to specialize task performances. Diagnostic guidelines exist to determine which structure is appropriate for particular organiz ational environments, technologies, and conditions. II. Downsizing: This intervention reduces costs and bureaucracy by decreasing the size of the organization through personnel layoffs, organization redesign, and outsourcing. III.Re-engineering: This recent intervention radically redesigns the organization’s core work processes to create tighter linkage and coordination among the different tasks Impact of Closing down of plant in Kandy Out of the 65 employees most of the employees who are attached to Kandy plant must be from surrounding neighborhood. As per HR manager the proposed new work force of 55 is adequate for the new operation, but the problem arises whether employees from Kandy are willing to travel to Colombo on daily basis, and even if they do what will be their output? If we terminate 10 employees what will be the mental impact on other employees? his might create questions about job security among other employees as well, and termination might have a negative imp act from the social perspective. Recommendations Human resource is the most vital asset that an any organization has. Nuran food products have been successful as result of its human resource. Changing the organization overall process will have a huge impact on all the employees and terminating the excess 10 employees will create an additional pressure on the work force. As mentioned above for the employees who are willing to travel from Kandy it is recommended to provide them with accommodation and other benefits.Naturally some of the employees will resign as a result of travelling distance problem, and it should be always kept in mind that this loyal work force have brought the company to its present situation, and it is recommended to keep all existing 65 employees. for future a good planned recruitment process should be laid down, educated people should be recruited and they should be properly trained to maximize the outputs. It is a good strategic decision to close down the Kand y plant provided content of the above report is taken in to consideration.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hybrid Cars

Hybrid cars are the transportation of the future. Humans have been driving around since the 1880’s. They started off as simple, one-cylinder machines, to today, where they are twelve cylinder animals. From fuel-efficient coupes, to gas guzzling SUVs, or even the ultra expensive supercars, all use gasoline. The use of this gasoline makes or breaks the selling point of the car. We base the cars off of their utility; the gas-guzzlers may be the ones with the most torque and pulling power, but the gas savers protect the environment and maybe save a few pennies in the pocket.Overall, the controversy is whether hybrid cars are really that much better than their all gas counterparts. Hybrid cars may save the environment from fuel emissions, but they do not save the driver nay substantial amount of money overall. The basics of a hybrid car are pretty easy, but the complexity comes with comparing them to all gasoline cars. The main aspect of a hybrid car is the engine. In normal gasoli ne cars there is only one engine, but in hybrid cars there is one gasoline engine and one electric engine. The two engines work in harmony; if the electric engine runs out of power the gasoline engine charges it.This process saves money on gas. Typically, a hybrid car get around 48-60 miles per gallon. This is a lot of mileage compared to most gasoline cars, which average about 18-26 miles per gallon. In addition to getting more gas mileage, hybrid cars cut down on fuel emissions. This can be illustrated by this graph: Another important aspect of a hybrid car is actually when it is coming to a stop. In a plain old car all of the energy and momentum that had been gained through accelerating is lost when braking. This makes city travel rather inefficient. Hybrids fix this; they capture breaking energy and use it to charge the battery.This not only saves fuel but also has less wear and tear on the break pads. In the same ballpark as the breaking, the engine saves fuel by turning off an d on often. When a hybrid vehicle comes to a complete stop the engine turns off and saves energy. It then restarts and turns back on once the accelerator is pressed. By doing this, energy is not wasted through idling. Utilizing the electric engine, it creates a boost for the combustion engine paired with it. This allows a smaller, less clunky, and more efficient engine to be used. Overall, the differences of the hybrid car make for a new technological driving experience.The value of a hybrid car is based off of its practicality. Does it really do what it says it does? Does it save me any money on gas? Does it function to cut down on emissions? Is it worth the extra money? Well here’s some information: a Honda Civic gets around 36 miles per gallon, a typical hybrid costs around $19,000-$25,000, a typical gas vehicle costs around $14,000-$17,000. The price difference comes from the complexity in the process of building the car. Also, not only affecting the price, the production of the car creates plenty of emissions and a whole bunch of energy. This puts â€Å"zero emission vehicles† to sleep.Creating another question, â€Å"Are all of these statistics true? † The production of hybrid cars has almost solely come from foreign countries, such as japan and China. Only recently have American companies been trying to dip their hand into the hybrid pool. Overall, the American creation of hybrids has only been poor attempts just to put their name out there in the market. Doing this is focusing on adding to their all gas cars because they also promote fuel efficiency. The drawbacks are clear and make the pros not quite outweigh the cons in the end. The wheel-to-well aspect put the nail in the coffin for hybrid cars.Focusing on the entire production, the process cancels its strives for efficiency by its complexity. Also, the argument for â€Å"zero emissions† is also false due to the process to create the car itself. Finally, the fuel usage ma y be a bit better then typical gas vehicles; it does not cancel out the immense price jump to the hybrid. This makes the price of the car not worth it, and much more favorable to buy it gas counterpart. Overall, the verdict is that a hybrid car does not really do that much for the driver except for its major selling points, â€Å"It’s a green, new technology! †

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Human Dynamics-Motivation, Attitude, Perception Assignment Essay Example

Human Dynamics Human Dynamics-Motivation, Attitude, Perception Assignment Essay Human Dynamics-Motivation, Attitude, Perception Assignment Essay HUMAN DYNAMICS ASSIGNMENT-1 INTRODUCTION ATTITUDE:IS AN EVALUATIVE STATEMENTS OR JUDGEMENTS CONCERNING OBJECTS, PEOPLE OR EVENTS. It consists of following 3 components – * COGNITIVE COMPONENT OF ATTITUDE: It means opinion or belief segment of an attitude. * AFFECTIVE COMPONENT OF ATTITUDE: It means emotional or feeling segment of an attitude. * BEHAVIORAL COMPONENT OF ATTITUDE: It means an intention to behave in a certain way towards someone or something. Some of the major job attitudes are: * JOB SATISFACTION * JOB INVOLVEMENT * ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT PERCEIVED ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT * EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT PERSONALITY: IT CAN BE DESCRIBED AS SUM TOTAL WAYS IN WHICH AN INDIVIDUAL REACTS AND INTERACTS WITH OTHERS. Personality can be of two major types : type-A, type-B. The big five factors to describe personality are: * EXTROVERSION * AGREEABLENESS * CONSCIENTIOUSNESS * EMOTIONAL STABILITY * OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE SOME OF THE PERSONALITY TRAITS ARE: MOTIVATION: IT CAN BE DESC RIBED AS THE PROCESSES THAT ACCOUNTS FOR AN INDIVIDUAL’S INTENSITY, DIRECTION AND PERSISTENCE OF EFFORT TOWARDS ATTAINING A GOAL. Need theories, Goal setting theory, Reinforcement theory, Equity theory and Expectancy theory are some of the motivation theories. ANALYSIS: Examples for the following concepts: 1] ATTITUDE – Incidence is about our neighbour Mrs Kumar, she was looking for a new position as an administrative assistant in her company HCL, she was initially reluctant to learn a new computer program as she could not relate her much with latest technology, but knew that would improve her skills and therefore help her get a better job with better pay. One day she decided to reverse that viewpoint and decided to learn a spreadsheet software program; one that she rarely used in any previous job position. That knowledge could possibly be one of a number of software programs that could aid her in a potential admin position. Within a few hours after learning the program, her boss asked her if she would take up the challenge of the new post vacated in her company sometime back, she agreed and got a new job. Not only that, but the job position involved made extensive use of the very spreadsheet program she had learned sometime before. The effort by Mrs Kumar to learn made her overcome her reluctance and embrace a possibility and opportunity helped trigger an event that led to immediate, startling, and positive life response in that precise domain where she made the change. It seems impossible, but that is precisely how life works. She happily narrated this incident to our family last month. It shows how positive attitude makes all the difference. Few steps that the management could have taken to change attitude of Mrs Kumar are: * Active Participation-Senior manager if would have encouraged Mrs kumar to actively discuss her ideas, suggestions and views about important issues related to organization, she would have been motivated to do better with more involvement. Working together gives a sort of assurance that work is valued by everyone. * Enhanced Communication- The importance of communication is understood only when we actually see the results effective communication brings with it. We need to communicate with the employees from time to time, hold meetings, discuss issues and deal with grievances to eradicate communication barriers. After this, we will understand exactly how to motivate the employees. * Appreciation Rewards -It is very important for the employer to get appreciated, if not reward, work that is properly, or at times exceptionally, done. 2] PERSONALITY: Mr Aman had joined the company Reliance India Ltd 2 months back. He was a young, talented and ambitious manager, handling sales in entire region. He was very determined to complete his sales target. Within a year. He got 3 promotions in the company. All accepted that he used aggressive tactics to climb up the ladder of success. His colleagues and subordinates started calling him insensitive and manipulative. He started having conflicts with managers of the other departments. His performance review showed him to be average in spite of him being dedicated, hardworking and productive. Finaly; he decided to quit the company. He thought of taking advice of his colleague who was also his close friend. His colleague explained him, that he is having all the conflicts because his personality is becoming negative due to very high obsession for success. Aman realized after the entire conversation that he was showing the typical traits of MACHIAVELLIANISM personality. Machiavellianian is person who has tendency to deceive and manipulate others for personal gain. The concept is named after Renaissance diplomat and writer Niccolo Machiavelli. Machiavellianism is the degree to which an individual is pragmatic, maintains emotional distance and believes that ends justify means. High Machs tend to take a more detached, calculating approach in their interaction with other people. In terms of Big Five personality traits, Machiavellians tend to be low on agreeableness and high in conscientiousness. Low Machs tend to take a more personal, empathic approach in their interaction with other people. They tend to be more trusting of others and more honest. They believe humans are essentially good natured. At the extreme, low Machs tend to be passive, submissive, highly agreeable, dependent and socially inept; in contrast with those who are more Machiavellian, they also tend to believe that everyone has a good and bad side. For Mr Aman following steps could have been taken: * Allotment of work according to personality type, best suitable for him. In case of Aman job profile requiring aggressive sales dealing would be most suitable. Motivation by the management about handling conflicting situations by such personality workers. * Conducting employees psychometric and personality tests in the organizations and providing them proper counselling and guidance. 3] MOTIVATION: Mr Talwar who had been working for company Accenture as a consultant for last 2 years was earning a handsome salary o f 2 Lks per month. He is considered to be hardworking and productive employee . However, his colleagues always find him to be dissatisfied and irritated. His juniors always complain about his short tempered nature and over aggressiveness in his speech. After 3 months new Vice Chancellor joins the organization. After going through the performance review and scores of Mr Talwar he decided to meet him and tried to find reasons for his job dissatisfaction. The reason was huge financial loans on Mr Talwar which was making him dissatisfied with his current salary. After discussing the matter with other board of directors and reviewing the annual work performance of Mr Talwar, senior management decided to give him salary appraisal. This motivated Mr Talwar to perform better and gave him job satisfaction. Ways which could have been used to motivate the employee’s productivity: * Guide employees about Organization Culture This is one of the classical motivational methods for employees of a company where organizational behaviour practices have been launched. The business owner and the employees are enforced to think at factors like how the practices would improve the standing of the company in the industry, how the practices will enable to company to boost sales etc. Employee’s suggestions should be taken by senior management. This will not only motivate them to work better but would also increase employee’s loyalty towards company. Provide incentives and manage performanceEmployees should understand that the end of the day what counts for a company is how an employee has performed on productivity and quality. At the same time, discipline and ethics are some things which the company cannot forsake in lieu of productivity and quality. Top management should review the employees work periodically and provide them with additional bonuses and incentives. Also other rewards system could be included. * Reverse Motivation Not many companies have used this technique, but in some cases, this has proved to be a highly effective tool for motivating employees. As per Reverse Motivation, employees are motivated by telling them the consequences of them not implementing the Organizational Behaviour practices. The whole stream of Reverse Motivation works on a completely negative aspect of motivating the employees. CONCLUSION: From the above examples we can see how motivation, personality, attitude affects employees behaviour and functioning in an organization. It is very essential to understand the above factors which determine productivity of employees and achieving goals of the organization.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Akindele Owolabi Essays (1010 words) - Free Essays, Term Papers

Akindele Owolabi Essays (1010 words) - Free Essays, Term Papers Akindele Owolabi Jovonne Bickerstaff English 104-25 November 30, 2015 Ebola in Africa The social issue that I am presenting is Ebola in west Africa. Ebola is a dangerous disease that affected the world population as a whole, and it struck the hardest in West Africa. This was extremely bad because the countries in west Africa have some of the lowest gross domestic products per capitas in the world. This means that they have a lack of means to treat people when they get the disease. Taking into consideration the lack of treatment for the virus and how contagious it is, it's easy to realize why this virus became a pandemic. People were dying at such high rates that the available treatment in western Africa could not keep up with the rate at which people were getting infected. This became a major concern for me because although I no longer live in Nigeria, my grand-mother, uncle, father, and other family members still live in the first infected city of Nigeria. The part of my multi-modal assignment that would be considered the "respectable" portion was a documentary done by Vice news. The documentary took place in Liberia: the start up location for the new cases of Ebola. The documentary definitely puts the issue into perspective by showing it from the outside looking in, as well as the view point of the actual citizens of Liberia. I put certain excerpts from the documentary into my project that I thought held value. The first one was Barack Obama giving a speech about how dangerous Ebola can be and that it is spreading rapidly all around the globe. I also included some interviews that the journalist did in that same documentary where he interviewed the people of the country of Liberia. The journalist asked a man how he feels about the current situation and he responded saying that it is sorrowful that his people are just dying on a daily basis. Also included is the note that there is a complete shortage of medical professionals and he althcare facilities to treat this disease. The people call ambulances and police and get no reply. Their people are just left to die. When someone is infected in the community, they have nowhere to go, being forced to stay in their community. This is the main cause of the disease spreading. That's the main aspect of the documentary; it tells specifically what the diseases is, how hard it is to treat, and how fast the people that are infected are dying. The song portion of my project, or the "ratchet" part is a song made by a native of Liberia that goes by Shadow. The name of the song is Ebola in town. The song is written partly in pidgin English, so it might be a little difficult to understand for some. The main point of the song is that Ebola is highly contagious. The song is supposed to be sort of a comical song stating the facts about Ebola. Some lines are that "Ebola can kill you fast, no touching your neighbors, no eating bush meat like bat and monkey meat" because they tend to have the virus in them. The song also says you can't run from it. You can go to Guinea but the virus is still there. Everywhere you go the virus is there. I feel like the documentary and the song add important aspects to one another. The documentary is more for outsiders and non natives that aren't aware of the situation going on in west Africa and the song is clearly made for natives considering the fact that the artists uses pidgin English. The song also shows the how some Liberians see the disease. Below I have written the lyrics of the song so if its hard to understand, you can follow along with it. Please enjoy! Something happen Something in town Oh yeah the news I said something in town Ebola Ebola in town Don't touch your friend! No touching No eating something It's dangerous! Ebola Ebola in town Don't touch your friend! No kissing! No eating something It's dangerous! (Repeat) I woke up in the morning I started hearing people dem yelling "Da what thing happen?

Sunday, October 20, 2019

25 Coups de Plume

25 Coups de Plume 25 Coups de Plume 25 Coups de Plume By Mark Nichol What, exactly, is a coup, and how many kinds of coups are there? This post describes a variety of phrases using the word, plus an array of related terms. Coup, a word for a sudden bold and/or brilliant act it also serves as a truncation of â€Å"coup d’à ©tat† comes from the French word coup, meaning â€Å"stroke† or â€Å"blow†; ultimately, it’s from the Greek term kolaphos by way of the Latin borrowing colaphos. Few of the following expressions have been widely adopted into English, but they’re all available for literal and/or idiomatic use: 1. Coup la porte (â€Å"knock on the door†): a signal or summoning 2. Coup bas (â€Å"low blow†): a cheap shot 3. Coup d’archet (â€Å"stroke of the bow†): contact of the bow with one or more strings on a violin or a similar instrument 4. Coup d’chance (â€Å"stroke of luck†): a fortunate event 5. Coup d’eclat (â€Å"stroke of glory†): a glorious feat 6. Coup d’à ©tat (â€Å"stroke of state†): the overthrow of a national government by a government faction usually, elements of the nation’s military 7. Coup d’oeil (â€Å"stroke of the eye†): a survey taken at a glance 8. Coup de coeur (â€Å"blow to the heart†): an intense but short-lived passion 9. Coup de crayon (â€Å"stroke of the pencil†): an expression of artistic creativity 10. Coup de destin (â€Å"blow of fate†): a tragic event 11. Coup de foudre (â€Å"stroke of lightning†): an unexpected sudden event; also, love at first sight 12. Coup de glotte (â€Å"stroke of the glottis†): a method in singing and speaking technique in which the glottis, the space between the vocal folds, is suddenly manipulated by muscular contraction 13. Coup de grà ¢ce (â€Å"stroke of mercy†): a blow or shot to end the suffering of a mortally wounded person or animal; a figuratively similar act; or a decisive act, event, or stroke 14. Coup de l’amitià © (â€Å"stroke of friendship†): one (drink) for the road 15. Coup de main (â€Å"stroke of the hand†): a sudden, full-scale attack, or assistance 16. Coup de plume (â€Å"stroke of the pen†): a witty or masterful turn of phrase 17. Coup de poing (â€Å"stroke of the fist†): a punch, or a shock 18. Coup de pouce (â€Å"stroke of the thumb†): a helping hand, or a nudge 19. Coup de repos (â€Å"stroke of rest†): a chess move in which a player prepares for a blow against the player’s opponent 20. Coup de sang (â€Å"stroke of blood†): extreme anger 21. Coup de thà ©Ãƒ ¢tre (â€Å"stroke of theater)†: a sudden twist in a stage play’s script, or, in general, a sudden turn of events or a sudden effect; also, a successful stage production 22. Coup du ciel (â€Å"stroke from heaven†): sudden good fortune 23. Coup dur (â€Å"stroke of difficulty): a tough blow, or something difficult to accept 24. Coup en traà ®tre (â€Å"stroke of treachery†): a stab in the back 25. Coup montà © (â€Å"stroke of fitting†): a frame-up or con Many other phrases and expressions include the word coup; those listed above are just most of them that begin with it. Among the others are coup pour coup (â€Å"blow for blow,† or â€Å"tit for tat†) and coup sur coup (â€Å"in quick succession,† or â€Å"time after time†). Coup appears in other usages, and related terms abound. A coup injury is one in which the head strikes an object, causing injury to the brain; the accompanying countercoup injury to the brain occurs when the head strikes a fixed object, causing the brain to impact against the skull as well. Counting coup is the act of dominating or defeating an opponent in single combat without causing injury; in some Native American cultures, a warrior won such prestige by striking a foe or an enemy position with a hand, a weapon, or a coup stick, or by stealing an opponent’s weapon or his horse. Success in counting coup, which required the honoree to withdraw without injury, was acknowledged by notches cut in the coup stick or eagle feathers worn in the honoree’s hair. Coupage has four distinct meanings: blending two types of wine to alter flavor, mixing drugs with other substances, removing hair from a hide, and tapping on the thorax to help dislodge secretions, such as in treatment for tuberculosis. Decoupage, unrelated to any of these senses, describes decoration of an object with paper cutouts and other materials. Other terms with the root word coup include recoup, which originally meant â€Å"to deduct,† though now the general sense is of compensation for a loss, and beaucoup, a French term meaning â€Å"many, a great number.† The latter entered general usage in American English by way of military personnel who had served in Vietnam, which had until recently been part of French Indochina. Coupà ©, the word for a type of carriage and, later, a style of car, is related; the sense is of something cut (with a stroke) down to a smaller size. So, too, is coupon, from the French word for â€Å"piece.† They are cognate with the verb cope, frequently seen in the phrase â€Å"cope with† and meaning â€Å"deal with challenges† and, less often, â€Å"prevail in combat or competition.† A coping saw, meanwhile, is a tool with a small, thin, saw blade set in a U-shaped frame, and a coppice (also rendered copse) is a thicket of trees cultivated for cutting. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:4 Types of Gerunds and Gerund PhrasesDifference between "Pressing" and "Ironing"Honorary vs. Honourary

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Managing markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing markets - Essay Example "Customer relationship management teaches the tools that are needed to reach a customer in a way that instills trust and confidence. Some of these tools include methods in the way the customer is approached. Building up a level of common ground with the customer is an effective way to start building that confidence. Studies show that people are drawn to what they are attracted to. When a customer is approached by a salesperson that is confident, well dressed, and can communicate well, they are more likely to listen from the beginning to the end" (StreetDirectory). The customer relationship strategy can either be an IT-based or a staff-based solution. Markets with low contact such as through the internet should employ an It-based solution, while markets with high contact such as a high-fashion shop should employ a staff-based customer relationship strategy. The other necessary to a successful customer relation is of course the staff. Being the people who have direct dealings with the customers, the staffs can make or break customer relations. If the service is excellent, then customers will be encouraged to return, as opposed to an ugly and disrespectful service. To maintain an effective staff, the management has a very active role to do. First important thing to have is a good salary. It is understandable that a good salary breeds contentment and loyalty. Second is good working condition. Inevitably, the working condition affects the mood of the workers. A good working condition lightens up things for the workers and this is conveyed to the customers. Lastly, a good management brings a smile to the staff. With a good management, staffs find it more enjoyable to work. Conclusion Customer relation has its roots from the management. This is transcended into the employees and staff and conveyed to the customer. An excellent service, coupled with information technology would both boost relationship with the customer. Works Cited StreetDirectory. Importance of Customer Relationship Management. 9 September 2009 . TechTarget. 9 September 2009 . Public Relation and Social Networks Introduction Public Relation is the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publics. "The main goal of apublicrelationsdepartment is to enhance a company's reputation. Staff that work inpublicrelations, or as it is commonly known, PR, are skilled publicists. They are able to present a company or individual to the world in the best light. The role of apublicrelatio

Riding on the Waves of Online Retall Business Research Paper

Riding on the Waves of Online Retall Business - Research Paper Example Now, the internet has been proven to be an effective vehicle as well to boost a growing business’ economy. Private accounts in public sites such as Multiply and other blog sites can now be considered shopping spots for some specialized products or services, and young entrepreneurs resort to these sites to begin selling their wares first to their friends, and hope that the word spreads so more traffic is geared to their online business sites. Noninska (2003) identified three basic models that represent main electronic commerce systems. One is â€Å"Business-to-Business (B2B), another is â€Å"Business-to-Consumer† (B2C) and the last is â€Å"Consumer-to-Consumer† (C2C). This paper will focus on B2C. Cyprus (2011) explains that B2C refers to the online selling of products, known as e-tailing. B2C makes it possible that any product can be virtually e-tailed. However, the challenge for online retailers and manufacturers is to attract consumers to their website marke tplace. Originally, this needed assistance with search engines, as consumers often search for products or services they need by keying in the related words on a search engine search bar. Usually, consumers choose websites on the first few pages of the results that flash up the screen. Knowing this tendency of consumers, businesses fight for a slot in the first few pages of the results of a search. One way to do it is to purchase paid listings as well as employ search engine optimization techniques such as using popular consumer keywords in their web text. The purpose of attracting traffic towards their website is to receive views from consumers and potential clients (Cyprus, 2011). Two variations of the B2C model were identified by Robert (2007). Direct sale to the customer is the first variation. An example is charging their consumers for photo sharing/hosting services. The customers’ photography skills range from inexperienced shutterbugs to professional photogr aphers. This site does not offer any feature for free unlike other sites like Flickr because they are confident that their consumers are aware that they offer a great product at the right price so there is much value in availing of their service over a competitor offering services for free. Actual products and goods are mostly sold by online retailers. The second approach is the advertising model where popular sites that generate huge amounts of traffic like YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, etc. come in. Free services are offered to consumers so visitors flock in who then become targets of advertising when they are logged in. Advertising can come in various forms such as â€Å"pay-per-click like Google ads to cost-per-impression to direct sale of a spot† (Robert, 2007). Just how do B2C outfits operate? Noninska (2003) compares B2C systems to real-world shopping experience. Transactions are done over an open network, so customers have unrestricted access. When a deal is closed, paym ent is made using credit cards. The B2C system verifies the validity of the card and the identity of the customer (Steinfield, n.d.). B2C sites should be user-friendly as well as offer benefits to customers such as low costs and data security. It should be able to deliver the required information within the shortest time possible so customers do not have to wait

Friday, October 18, 2019

Industrial Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Industrial Revolution - Essay Example All this sudden change upgraded the living status of the British men, leading them to acquire an aristocratic kind of lifestyle. There was also an emergence of social classes in the society namely: wealthy class, middle class and poor class. As per (Goloboy ,15),â€Å"Most obviously, the industrial revolution transformed the nature of work. Increasingly, Americans worked for wages rather than within a family farm economy†. â€Å"The ‘industrial revolution’ was one of the three or four most important transformations in human history, and Britain was the first society to experience it†(Hoppit,2010).The industrialization began with cotton production which multiplied the productivity of cotton threads 10 times more than previous rate. The industrial revolution also increased the production of iron to a staggering level, which helped in the invention of electricity, trains, telephones, and radio... There was also an incredible amount of yield in agricultural sid e as the crops like turnips, clover and alfafa boomed. The industrial revolution also increased the population ratio as the food supply was immense along with financial system enrichment on government side â€Å"The industrial revolution was a process of household – based resource relocation that increased both the supply of marketed commodities and labor and the demand for market supplied goods† (Vries ,249-253).Interestingly, there was also a decline in the death rate of people as dangerous disease like plague and small pox started declining. Apart from bringing prosperity to American and Europe, industrial revolution also had its big share of drawbacks .The main issue was the emergence of industrial class, pollution, unemployment and child labor. 4 â€Å"Many people argued about the effects of the industrial revolution. Opponents point to the ugly over crowded towns, the ruin of vast areas of the country side, the quest for profit, and the employment of women and c hildren in dangerous jobs† (Ross, 34).There was mass emergence of large cities with a complex transportation system which led to higher amount of pollution in the environment. The industrial revolution declined quality of living of human beings from a natural angle and also depleted the natural resources to a great extent. In this 21st century, the globe has undergone a massive industrialization and in one way on technologically basis, we are far from excellence. Still, there are lots of countries which are in developing stage and in under developing stage. Development is good, but when it destroys our very natural environment, health and well being and humanity, then it can become our very own enemy. Now the super powers like America, England and Germany, have exceeded the limits of Industrialization and technological revolution and have depleted much natural resources of the planet. According to (Shapley), â€Å"The United States must be held accountable for its emissions, double the per capita level in Europe, and should follow the EU lead by committing to reducing its total greenhouse gas

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Financial Accounting Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Financial Accounting Concepts - Essay Example As the paper declares after analyzing and comparing the Working Capital of both the companies, the result clearly indicates that L.L. Sams Company’s current condition is much superior to that of Garcia Career Services. Hence, the bank’s decision should be to give loan to L.L. Sams Company as this company seems to be the most appropriate for the loan and has the greatest assurance that its liabilities can be paid out of the current assets. This essay discusses that in an assessment of the overall liquidity of the current assets, the current trend of sales in an important factor. Since it takes sales to convert inventory into receivables or cash, an up trend of sales indicates that the conversion of inventories into more liquid assets will be easier to achieve than what sales remain constant. Declining sales, on the other hand, will retard the conversion of inventories into cash. When we measure the net income earned by a business we are measuring its economic performance— its success or failure as a business enterprise. Decision making processes of loan allocation requires a great variety of data processing, a wide range of reliability, and relevance to the decision at hand. The information used includes data on general economic conditions and on industry trends, as well as data on intangibles such as the character and motivation of the management group.

Research Methods in Criminal Justice Assignment

Research Methods in Criminal Justice - Assignment Example igation: the kind of parenting that a child had during upbringing, whether single parenting or with both parents present or no parent being there and the outcome of the upbringing (The success of the child in adulthood). However, the journalist has written his headline in a definite manner likely to suggest to the reader that the only way one can raise a child who will be successful in future is by ensuring that both parents are present when the child is growing up. The outcome of the researcher’s work is clear and concise; the individuals who were raised by both parents exhibited higher career success scores than individuals who were raised by one parent. The journalist ought to have taken the point that the research was not as explicit as the newspaper article was. In journalism, it is recommended that the writer of the story leaves it upon the audience to form independent opinions on the matter after reading the story. In this case, however, the writer seems to suggest to the reader a certain position, which might be taken to be offensive by the people affected, especially individuals who were raised by single parents. B. The researcher opted to post an advertisement online in a local advertising website in order to look for volunteers for his study. He then pays the participants $10 each for their participation and has them answer some question about their later career successes in life. In undertaking research in this manner, the researcher cannot guarantee the authenticity of the data he came up with. This is because by posting the advertisement online, the researcher was seeking for volunteers. When he decided to pay the individuals who participated in his survey, he might have drawn the attention of other individuals who just needed to get some money, with the information they gave out being compromised. With this in regard, the researcher failed to insulate the data he would receive against people who were more inclined towards getting the ten dollars

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Financial Accounting Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Financial Accounting Concepts - Essay Example As the paper declares after analyzing and comparing the Working Capital of both the companies, the result clearly indicates that L.L. Sams Company’s current condition is much superior to that of Garcia Career Services. Hence, the bank’s decision should be to give loan to L.L. Sams Company as this company seems to be the most appropriate for the loan and has the greatest assurance that its liabilities can be paid out of the current assets. This essay discusses that in an assessment of the overall liquidity of the current assets, the current trend of sales in an important factor. Since it takes sales to convert inventory into receivables or cash, an up trend of sales indicates that the conversion of inventories into more liquid assets will be easier to achieve than what sales remain constant. Declining sales, on the other hand, will retard the conversion of inventories into cash. When we measure the net income earned by a business we are measuring its economic performance— its success or failure as a business enterprise. Decision making processes of loan allocation requires a great variety of data processing, a wide range of reliability, and relevance to the decision at hand. The information used includes data on general economic conditions and on industry trends, as well as data on intangibles such as the character and motivation of the management group.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is both a Essay

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is both a grants statute and a civil rights statute - Essay Example (1)) Not only does the 2004 Act consider the students themselves, but takes an holistic view of the developmental environment, taking into account the role of parents, pre-school services, adaptations in the classroom and supporting high-quality, intensive pre-service preparation and professional development for all personnel who work with special students and an emphasis on the use of scientifically-based instructional practices. Like its previous enactment, IDEIA 2004 makes federal funding available for the provision of free appropriate education of disabled students. It also contains detailed due process provision to reinforce free appropriate education for disabled students. However, at the same time that the Government prepared to make more money available the Wall Street Journal3 reported that The Department of Education reports that states are currently sitting on nearly $6 billion in unspent federal education funds acquired between 2000 and 2002. Some $2 billion of this is Title I money that's designated for the most disadvantaged students. Congress enacted the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)-formerly the EAHCA-in 1975 partly in response to Mills v. Board of Education, 348 F. Supp. 866 (D.D.C. 1972), and Pennsylvania Ass'n of Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 343 F. Supp. 279 (E.D. Pa. 1972). Pennsylvania and Washington allowed schools to refuse admission to students with IQ scores below 70 until said students reached 8 years old. Once admitted to school, many of these children were expelled because they could not learn how to read4. IDEA 1975 limited coverage - and funding - to students who were educationally5 disabled. Importantly, as part of the funding deal, the provider had to ensure that the child's carers had access to a due process procedure in the event they wished to challenge the child's free appropriate public education assessment. Each student was to be given an individualized education plan (IEP) and educated in the 'least restrictive environment'. Public schools were required to provide learning aids, suitable tests and assessments. There was considerable disgruntlement in some quarters, since for the first time parents of educationally disabled students were empowered to the apparent detriment of parents of able students Despite the success of the 1975 Act in providing free places in mainstream education for students with educational disabilities, there was increasing concern that low expectations and insufficient focus on applying proven methods of teaching for students with special educational needs were limiting the attainment of these students. Buried deep within the 2004 Act is the real reason - and some alarming statistics - explaining why the Government has finally moved on this matter. Sec 682, 12: (A) Greater efforts are needed to prevent the intensification of problems connected with mislabeling and high dropout rates among minority children with disabilities. (B) More minority children continue to be served in special education than would be expected from the percentage of minority students in the general school population. (C) African-American children are identified as

Monday, October 14, 2019

International Project Management Association Essay Example for Free

International Project Management Association Essay ?International Association of Project and Program Management (IAPPM) Vision- (iappm. org 2013) To enhance and add value to our global members and the project community at large allowing them to manage projects and programs successfully using the right tools, skillsets and methods. Mission- (iappm. org 2013)As a worldwide global project organization IAPPM will create value together with our members, project communities, business partners and corporations by leveraging our content, collaboration and business management insight. The IAPPM focuses on project and program management in the private sector, offering their insight to partners, PM communities, and members globally. International Project Management Association (IPMA) Vision- (ipma. ch, 2013) Our Vision: IPMA is the leading authority on competent project, programme and portfolio management (PPPM). Through our efforts, PM best practice is widely known and appropriately applied at all levels of public and private sector organizations. IPMA directs attention to the portfolio aspect as well as project management on a global scale. IPMA also includes public sector project management for governments and other public agencies. American Society for the Advancement of Project Management (ASAPM) Vision- (asapm. org, 2013) asapm is the U. S. A. ’s premier Project and Program Manager performance-based credentialing organization, and a tireless advocate of effective project management practice throughout all organizations. Appropriate and effective elements of PM Performance are widely demonstrated and acknowledged, not just by PM practitioners, but by all individuals in all organizations. ASAPM acknowledges interest and membership for any individuals for membership. ASAPM also claims to be part of IPMA as an American focused branch. Project Management Institute (PMI) PMI does not have a vision statement. They do however, have list of core values. From these values I infer PMI focuses on certifying and advancement of PM professionals. They also clearly define and explain project management to inquisitive and unaware. References http://www. iappm. org/about. htm http://ipma. ch/about/ http://www. asapm. org/a_home. asp http://www. pmi. org/

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Cell Morphology and Motility Essays -- Biology

Tumor cells try to spread throughout the body. In order to do so, these cells need Rho and ROCK or Rac to signal their movement. There are at least two types of morphology (shapes/forms) that need these signals for cell movement. One type is the elongated morphology, which needs to use Rac for signalling, and pericellular proteolysis (an enzyme) for movement. The other type is the rounded (amoeboid) morphology, which uses RhoA and ROCK signalling. Initially, tumor cells were known to take the elongated form. It is now known that the rounded shape also exists and possibly other morphologies as well. This research is focused on tumor cells that have rounded morphology, elongated morphology, and those that can utilize both forms. There has been research in attempts to inhibit, or block, these signals in order to stop tumor cells from spreading. However, this may cause a problem for other cells that may need to move to certain places of the body to function. Researchers have experimented with the use of inhibitors, such as Y27632, C3, and a combination of Y27632 and C3, on different types of tumor cells to see what percentage of cells still invaded to a certain distance. This information is compared to the percentage of untreated cells that invaded the same set distance. The effectiveness of these inhibitors are then related to the type of morphology (elongated or rounded or both) to see if certain types of inhibitors work better in a type of morphology. More research has been conducted to find the percentage of different tumor cells that have invaded three different depths. This is also used to analyze the effectiveness of the inhibitors on the varying types of morphologies. The basic procedure for this type of experiment is d... ...affected by these inhibitors known at this point? Is it possible that there are other morphology changes and signals involved in cell movement? The hopes for developments in the fight against cancer are high, especially in the hearts of innumerable patients, families, and friends. Each small step in the right direction is a step toward a cure, and it's progress such as these discoveries that will someday help save and improve the lives of countless individuals. We would like to thank the people who sit behind a microscope ten hours a day. They are committed to watching blobs move around on a plate in the hope that these blobs can shed light on the diseases that hurt, cripple and kill our fellow human beings. The future is brighter because of the problems being tackled, and the prospects of tomorrow give reason for the contributions and investments of today. Cell Morphology and Motility Essays -- Biology Tumor cells try to spread throughout the body. In order to do so, these cells need Rho and ROCK or Rac to signal their movement. There are at least two types of morphology (shapes/forms) that need these signals for cell movement. One type is the elongated morphology, which needs to use Rac for signalling, and pericellular proteolysis (an enzyme) for movement. The other type is the rounded (amoeboid) morphology, which uses RhoA and ROCK signalling. Initially, tumor cells were known to take the elongated form. It is now known that the rounded shape also exists and possibly other morphologies as well. This research is focused on tumor cells that have rounded morphology, elongated morphology, and those that can utilize both forms. There has been research in attempts to inhibit, or block, these signals in order to stop tumor cells from spreading. However, this may cause a problem for other cells that may need to move to certain places of the body to function. Researchers have experimented with the use of inhibitors, such as Y27632, C3, and a combination of Y27632 and C3, on different types of tumor cells to see what percentage of cells still invaded to a certain distance. This information is compared to the percentage of untreated cells that invaded the same set distance. The effectiveness of these inhibitors are then related to the type of morphology (elongated or rounded or both) to see if certain types of inhibitors work better in a type of morphology. More research has been conducted to find the percentage of different tumor cells that have invaded three different depths. This is also used to analyze the effectiveness of the inhibitors on the varying types of morphologies. The basic procedure for this type of experiment is d... ...affected by these inhibitors known at this point? Is it possible that there are other morphology changes and signals involved in cell movement? The hopes for developments in the fight against cancer are high, especially in the hearts of innumerable patients, families, and friends. Each small step in the right direction is a step toward a cure, and it's progress such as these discoveries that will someday help save and improve the lives of countless individuals. We would like to thank the people who sit behind a microscope ten hours a day. They are committed to watching blobs move around on a plate in the hope that these blobs can shed light on the diseases that hurt, cripple and kill our fellow human beings. The future is brighter because of the problems being tackled, and the prospects of tomorrow give reason for the contributions and investments of today.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

How Toy Story Helps Children Navigate Technology Essay -- Technology

Technology is rapidly growing â€Å"to infinity and beyond† from games to cars, modern technology fully encompasses our daily lives leaving society helpless without it. In the early 90’s, society knows little of how much this new technology eventually influences their children’s lives, so parents portray outwardly no problems with having companies heavily advertising new electronic products to children. The results change the world. Now, technology intertwines with the fast-paced lives of the society, leaving some frustrated parents finding it difficult on ways to teach their children to balance both modern technology and manual labor. Wisely, parents start to rely on the first thing that originally got them into them mess - the magical world of Pixar. The original Toy Story focuses on the societal view of the celebration towards the advancement of technology during the time the movie releases in 1995, which is what society needs at that time. However, by Toy St ory 3(2010), young adults actively disengage in the usage of the consumerism for the latest-and-greatest technology, so the tone of the movie sequel changes. Toy Story 3 actively encourages youth to enjoy the makings of the past without overlooking the new technological advancements. Toy Story, one of the first cartoon using the new animation technology, highlights one boy’s (Andy’s) first experience with technology, Buzz Lightyear, the most popular and advanced toy at that time. Andy is quickly amazed at the impressive high-tech features of Buzz and excited about the technology of Buzz. Andy starts losing his love for his old manual toys like Woody; Woody fears that Buzz is the new favorite toy in Andy’s life. At this time, the society starts to bring the technology into th... ...etc.) Back in 1995 when companies start releasing technology like computers, cell phones, and media players to the general public, Toy Story tries to encourage, introduce, and make technology interesting for kids; allowing them not to be afraid of the inevitable surge of technological advancements late 90s-early 2000s. In today’s modern-life, there is no huge need of encouragement for people to use the technology; although, there is a need to remind society that don’t over let technology overrun your life no matter how useful. Works Cited O'Neill, Charles A. "The Language of Advertising." The Contemporary Reader. By Gary Goshgarian. 9th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2008. 146-52. Print. Toy Story 3. Dir. Lee Unkrich. Perf. Tom Hanks and Tim Allen. Disney/Pixar, 2010. DVD. Toy Story. Dir. John Lasseter. Perf. Tom Hanks and Tim Allen. 1995, .1995. DVD.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Geography SBA Essay

To identify and explain the processes which led to the formation of limestone in the areas of Bog Walk, Lluidas Vale, Ty Dixon and Moneague. Methodology On May 20, a group of 4th form Geography students from Meadowbrook High visited the different limestone areas of Lluidas Vale and The Ty Dixon Caves in St.Catherine, and Moneague in St. Ann’s. I collected data by means of photography and jotting down important details. As well as use of the senses, visual being the most effective, as well as tactile perception which was also effective. We went along to the various stops; I took my notes and asked questions thus elaborating on what I didn’t grasp properly. As the tour guide, Mr. Daley, explained the different features, expounded on their formation as well as provided suggestions for the SBA composition. This information benefits as secondary information. I faced only one challenge which was traversing the landscape in unsuitable footwear and inclement weather. Nevertheless I managed to capture the essence of the areas and their features. I tried to capture the images on the camera as best as I  could, by experimenting at different angles, ranges and utilizing close ups to capture the general importance. Analysis & Discussion Stop 1: Bog Walk Gorge Our first stop was along the road within the Bog Walk Gorge, located 5 miles south of the Bog Walk Village one of the oldest historic towns in Jamaica. While at this location, it was evident that the limestone feature formed was composed of pure limestone, because the lighter the rock is in color, is the purer its composition of limestone is. It was also observed that chemical weathering, the change in the chemical structure and sometimes physical appearance of a rock, was acting upon the rock in the form of carbonation. This is the reaction of rainwater, carbon dioxide and limestone to form calcium bicarbonate, a weak carbonic acid which is soluble, making the rock easy to decompose when it comes into contact with water. Clints and Grykes were evident, as visible in figure 1.0, contributing to weathering. Clints and grykes are a result of carbonation in the weaker joints and cracks of a rock leaving ridges and groves. The ridges are Clints and the groves are grykes. Plate 1.0 (Chemical weathering acting on the rocks) The entire gorge is rich with lush and varied vegetation which makes for some impressive and dramatic scenery. Another feature formed at the gorge was a cavern, which is a large extensive cave with a deep chamber and interconnecting passages. When the roof of a cave collapses, large depressions called gorges result, hence the name â€Å"Bog Walk Gorge†. The gorge was originally an underground river system which collapsed. The cliffs on both sides of the gorge seemed to still possess potential to collapse. The main river has a tributary coming from the Above Rocks District located in St. Andrew. The major river processes in the area are Hydraulic Action, the sheer force of flowing water on the base of the river bed, and Attrition, when rocks, carried by the river, smash together and break into smaller,  smoother particles. Stop 2: The Bog Walk Bridge Our second stop was made at the entrance to the Pleasant Hill Community, The Bog Walk Bridge; 83.9 km away from Kingston. Here we examined a bridge which was oxidizing. This is a chemical reaction in which substances combine with oxygen to form an oxide: For example, the combination of iron with oxygen to form an iron oxide (rust). I saw ridges which descended from the mountains to the lower parts. These are called interlocking spurs. There was also a flood warning system present as well. It showed the heights of the river and the level of seriousness to be taken hence flooding must be a threat to this community. Gabion basins were also observed along the banks to help keep them in place. The width of the river was approximately 10-13m wide (at points). Plate 2.0 (example of oxidation) Stop 3: Lluidas Vale, St. Catherine Our third stop was at Lluidas Vale, worthy Park in St. Catherine. At this location we observed a sinkhole which was its main feature. A sinkhole is when a joint becomes enlarged to such an extent that a deep vertical hole is created, down which a surface may disappear. A sinkhole was created due to a tributary flowing onto the surface and came upon the land rising upward and eroded the foot of the slope. Overtime the tributary then began to flow underground. Not much water was observed on the surface. The land closer to the sinkhole appeared somewhat moist. A Polje was evident at this location; this is an elongated depression or basin, formed by the synchronization of caves. A polje is found in karstic geological regions of the world, with areas usually 5 to 400 km ². The polje occurs in Troy Formation. This limestone feature is displaced by NE-SW trending faults to produce large-scale fault blocks, which are important controls on the geomorphology of the area. Geomorphology is the scientific study of landforms and the processes that shape them. A more recent alluvial and limestone debris cover occurs within the vale, whereas the steeply sloping rim of the polje to the west, north and east is within Troy Formation limestone group. To the  south and southwest of the vale, rocks of the Yellow Limestone Group crop out, while further south older cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary strata are exposed. In Luidas Vale processes are dominated by mass is a plateau area that has been severely eroded so that the relief is sharp. The Yellow Limestone Group consists of limestones (Stettin and Chapelton Formations) and clastic rocks (E.g. Guys Hill Formation). The limestone of the Yellow Limestone Group give rise to doline karsts, with low residual hills, with the dolines locally amalgamated to form uvulas in the Stettin Formation movements and surface water erosion, forming a typically dissected terrain, this is the Lluidas Vale polje which is developed within a down faulted block of Tertiary white limestone and it has a strong structural control through NW-SE trending faults. The floor of the vale also appears to be structurally controlled in that a series of down-faulted limestone blocks are present and overlain by a s equence of limestone rubble, bauxitic soils and alluvium which extends to over 30 m thickness. Lluidas Vale is a Rand- or Border-Polje in that it is not surrounded on all sides by limestone but bordered to the south by volcanic and clastic sedimentary strata of the Central Inliers in the Juan de Bolas Mountains. The latter is the source of the Rio Cobre and Murmuring Brook which flow northwards towards the vale. The Rio Cobre flows north through the centre of the vale, but turns abruptly south eastwards and flows a short distance along the fault scarp before sinking. In the polje, the river and Murmuring Brook are both ephemeral streams flowing only after rainfall. The north and northwest border of the vale is marked by well developed cockpit karst. A number of small alluvial fans occur on this part of the vale in heavy clay soils representing the residue of limestone dissolution. Much lighter alluvial soils occur on the eastern and southern part of the vale due to more frequent flooding. The western margin of the vale is marked by a less steep slope containing dolines and small conical hills grading to tower karsts towards the polje. There were also caves in the area containing stalactites, stalagmites and pillars. A stalagmite is an icicle like deposit of calcium carbonate which rises from the floor of a cave. A stalactite is another icicle like deposit of calcium carbonate hanging from the caves roof or growing downward. A pillar is a slender vertical structure of stone used as a support or for ornament. These features can be seen a diagram 1.2. The  landforms occurred on a west-facing fault scarp above Lluidas Vale polje. The area was also covered with shrubs and natural vegetation mainly closer to the slope. Stop 4: Ty Dixon During our stop at Ty Dixon where tower karsts, the name given to all landforms in areas of limestone, and dolines were evident. A doline is a funnel shaped or conical shaped solution hollow which is formed when several shallow holes unite. There seemed to be an eroded highland that left a residual hill forming tower karsts and dolines. The tower karsts seemed approximately 40m tall. A tower karst is isolated steep sided residual hills. At the base at the end of the residual hills, there were shallow caves which were generally covered with shrubs and natural vegetation. The vegetation of the area was cultivated on the flat areas, where irrigation and accessibility is better, of mainly sugar cane while in other areas, like on the tower karsts there were natural vegetation. Stop 5: Moneague Moneague was once one of the largest and most important towns in St. Ann, due to its convenient location along the main North to South. The Moneague Ponds was once located on a flood plain. While at this location houses were visible within close proximity of the ponds. Debris such as trees, trunks and barks could be seen in the pond. The soil was heavily saturated with water (waterlogged) and appeared darkened in color. The water in the pond, however was light blue and fairly clear. There was natural vegetation surrounding the pond, this is evident in plates 5.0 and 5.1 Plate 5.0 (Moneague Ponds) Plate 5.1 (Lush natural vegetation surrounding the ponds) Effect of Limestone Limestone affects the environment as it induces highly alkaline dusts which are air pollutants. It also has effects on health, in particular for those with respiratory problems. The dust also has physical effects on the surrounding plants, like it blocks and damages their internal structures and abrasion of leaves and cuticles, as well as chemical effects which may affect long-term survival. Benefit of Limestone As it has its effects, limestone also has its benefits. Adding limestone to water in order to neutralize it is known as â€Å"liming.† When limestone is added to ponds and lakes, it has the effect of adding calcium and protecting the water from becoming too acidic. The benefit of limestone in this situation is that it restores and helps to maintain the ecology of the water and makes it supportive of aquatic life. It is also an inexpensive method of slowing down acidification. Conclusion In conclusion to my studies, I have identified the features of limestone in the areas of study. Our first stop was along the Bog Walk Gorge, where the rocks composure was mainly of pure limestone. Chemical weathering was acting upon the rocks resulting in faster decomposition and the formation of clints and grykes. At our second stop, the Bog Walk Bridge, located in the Pleasant Hill community, it was observed that the community bridge was under oxidation. A flood warning system was also visible, suggesting that flooding is a threat to this community. Our stop at Lluidas Vale, Worthy Park in St. Catherine, was the most informative one. Here we observed a sink hole formed by a tributary, As well as a polje in Troy formation. To the South and South West of the vale, rocks of the Yellow Limestone Group crop out, while further south older cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary strata are exposed. In Lluidas Vale processes are dominated by mass is a plateau area that has been severely eroded so that the relief is sharp. The floor of the vale also appears to be structurally controlled. The North and North West border of the vale is marked by well developed cockpit karsts. Much lighter alluvial soils occur on the eastern and southern parts of the vale due to more frequent flooding. The western margin of the vale is marked by a less steep  slope containing dolines and small conical hills grading to tower karsts towards the polje. There were also caves in the area containing stalactites, stalagmites and pillars. During our stop at Ty Dixon where tower karsts and dolines were evident, there seemed to be an eroded highland that left a residual hill forming tower karsts and dolines. We also came across the Moneague Ponds, which was once a flood plain and is now heavily waterlogged. Debris could be seen in the light blue color pond; the soil was heavily waterlogged and appeared dark ened in color. Bibliography Holmes, D. and Warn, S. (2003) Fieldwork Investigations- A Self Study Guide, London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2000. (1991) The Longman Atlas for Caribbean Examinations, London: Longman Caribbean. Allen-Vassell, M., Fraser, L. (1993). A Guide to Field Studies in School-based Assessment for CXC Geography. Caribbean Publishers

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Concert

The Concert The Third Day concert in April 2012 brought a sold out crowd of over 3000 people to Joplin’s Memorial Hall. When the ushers finally opened the doors people were lined up down the street. People flooded into the lobby where the band’s merchandise was being sold. The merchandise was set out on eight tables that were arranged in a U-shape against the entire back wall. The wall behind the tables was lined with t-shirts and hats. Half of the people were buying merchandise, and those who weren’t were at one of the two concession stands that were at either end of the lobby.The lobby smelled like an outdoor barbeque from the hamburgers that were being cooked on the grill. Music was playing softly, but all the people talking made it hard to hear. Slowly, people funneled into the auditorium to find their seats. The auditorium was huge. It had a lower level and a balcony. The center of the auditorium was full of seating for the VIP’s. The auditorium was a bout three quarters full when the band started. The lights went dim and the stage filled with smoke. You could hear the beat from the drums, but you could not see the drummer.The guitarist started playing. It was so loud it shook the walls. When the lead singer started singing, the crowd went nuts. They were yelling and chanting his name,† Mac, Mac, Mac. † Finally the smoke started to dissipate and the band was on stage dressed in torn jeans and flannel shirts. After the first song, Mac introduced the rest of the band. Each member did a short to showcase their skills. The next three songs were hit songs from their most recent album. The audience showed their approval into by waving their hands and singing with the music.To keep the audience involved in the show, Mac would hold the microphone toward the audience and have them sing the. Suddenly, everything went dark. It was so dark people couldn’t see the person next to them. Then a small light emerged in the middl e of the floor. The light grew brighter and brighter. Until it was recognizable as a make-shift camp fire. The music started again softly, and then got louder and louder. The band walked to the camp fire playing acoustic instruments. They stood around the fire playing older songs from their first albums, even playing songs that were never released.Eventually the band went back on stage and played their last few songs. They thanked the audience for a good night and left the stage. The people started chanting the band’s name over and over, hoping for an encore. The band finally returned to the stage and played one final song. The concert was finally over and everyone tried to leave at the same time. The front lobby was packed tight with people trying to get to the doors. The large number of people in the small building made for a long wait to leave, but ultimately, everyone got outside and was able to continue their evenings.